Our discerning tenant selection process and network of corporate clients are the foundation of our highly regarded professional service. Northwood incorporating Millennium Properties offer a ‘no let, no fee’ service, and advertise extensively in the local press, on the internet, and by way of numerous property lists supplied to prospective tenants.
We offer a managed service where rents are collected by us, which includes optional rental warranty insurance, mid-term inspections of the property, and a final inspection on vacation. In addition we retain a wide network of corporate clients including key blue chip companies, local organisations and major employers who have a mobile and professional workforce. Furthermore our affiliation with leading nationwide relocation agents and insurance companies facilitate access to the right type of tenant enabling tenancies to be most successful and rental yields to be maximised.
Our fees are competitive and are based on the rental valuation of the property and the number of properties owned.
Further details are available through contacting our office. Alternatively an introductory let only service is available, tailoring our service to meet your letting requirements and individual needs.
Our executive client base and impressive portfolio of properties speaks volumes for the level of service and professionalism we aim to offer all of our clients.