We Switch You



Are you a frustrated Landlord? If you’re unhappy with the service you are receiving from another agent, we believe you should be able to swap your property to us with your tenant in-situ and without hassle.

Our We Switch You service is like the switching services offered by banks and building societies, we do all the leg work, so you don’t have to.

The service is completely free of charge AND once you have switched to Northwood, you wont pay any management fees for the first 3 months as a “Thank You” for switching your property to us.

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We Switch You - How does it work?

The likelihood is that you will have signed a terms of business document, management agreement or suchlike when you first placed your property with your current agent. That document will set out how much notice you may (or may not) need to give to end your current arrangements, whether or not you are tied into a minimum initial period and whether a fee would be due for bringing matters to a close.

Keep in mind that if your current agent has been failing to provide the service levels set out in the terms of business to a material extent or if they are looking to change the terms significantly, they are unlikely to be able to hold you to the original terms. We will be happy to review any documents confidentially for you before you make any decision about moving agent.

If you decide you would like to move your property to Northwood then, subject to it meeting our standard criteria for location and condition, you just need to:

  • issue notice to end your current arrangements
  • confirm your instructions to us and then
  • sit back and let us do the rest

The next steps include us contacting the current agent to make arrangements for handover on the agreed date, introducing ourselves to the tenant and providing them with contact details, collecting and collating the various documents and keys on the day of handover, making sure the tenancy deposit sum is re-registered under our membership to ensure continual protection and is passed over to us smoothly, issuing and completing new Northwood documentation and arranging an initial property inspection after handover. This is an opportunity for us not only to view the property, but to also listen to any concerns your Tenant may have, as the chances are, if you’ve been unhappy with the service, your Tenants will have been too.

Contact us today

For more information about our We Switch You service, please see below and complete the brief details and we will contact you shortly.

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