Tenure: Leasehold
A recently refurbished flat located above a business in Sheldon. Offering excellent local transport links, the beautifully presented property comprises; modern dining kitchen with new appliances, large lounge, large master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, second double bedroom, re-fitted bathroom, new electric heating and new carpets and floor tiling throughout. Must be viewed!
EPC rating: E. Council tax band: A, Tenure: Leasehold, Length of lease (remaining): 996 years 3 months,
Via a UPVC double glazed door to.
Having a UPVC double glazed window, stairs rising to the first floor, electric heater, under stairs storage area and doors to the breakfast kitchen and the lounge/ diner.
Having a UPVC double glazed window, electric heater and a feature fireplace with an electric fire inset. The measurement are approximate due to the different shape of the lounge/ diner.
Having been refitted with a modern kitchen and it comprises a one and a half sink unit with a single drainer and a cupboard below, modern work surface area with tiled splashbacks, range of eye and base level units, built in electric oven, four ring electric hob and extractor over, plumbing for a slim line dish washer, plumbing for an automatic washing machine, built in storage cupboard, electric heater and a UPVC double glazed window.
Doors to.
Having a UPVC double glazed window, electric heater and a range of fitted wardrobes and an airing cupboard. The measurement are approximate due to the different shape of the bedroom.
Having a UPVC double glazed window and an electric heater.
Having been refitted in a modern white suite comprising a panelled bath with an electric shower over, inset wash hand basin with cupboard below, low flush WC, tiled to splash back areas, UPVC double glazed window and an extractor fan.
There are steps to the rear of building which will go up to the flat.
There is 999 year lease which started on the 1st January 2022. The owner has informed me that there are no charges for service charge or ground rent.