“Why I’d invest in Eyres Monsell”: a guide for landlords
It’s all about community in Eyres Monsell. Strong factors that appeal to tenants are the relatively affordable rental prices, the primary school (Eyres Monsell Primary School, the first school in the UK to receive the Princess Royal Training Award for its work in improving the mental health of staff and pupils, won in 2021), and the ease of living so conveniently close to all main shopping areas.
It’s very green, unlike the lines of Victorian terraces elsewhere in Leicester (which obviously have their own appeal), and low rise.
For investors, capital outlay is below average for Leicester which coupled with decent rents from tenants who value the sense of community and therefore look for long-term lettings, means good yields for landlord investors
I’ve always said that the right strategy here (which I’ve followed myself) is to invest sensibly by buying in this below-average priced area and refurbing as required to make your property one of the best in the street. Then reliable family-orientated demand will ensure good annual returns on your investment, both in rental income and in steady, probably not spectacular, capital growth.

Andy McGarrick – Investor and Landlord, Owner Northwood Leicester