This page is designed to give Landlords a brief guide into Safety and Tax legislation.
This page is designed to give Landlords a brief guide into Safety and Tax legislation.
From 6th April 2007 legislation under the Housing Act, 2004 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) means that all new tenancy deposits must be protected by one of three government-authorised providers.
The government wants to make sure tenants’ deposits are protected so that:
1. Tenants get all or part of their deposit back when they are entitled to it.
2. Any disputes between tenants and landlords or agents will be easier to resolve.
3. Tenants are encouraged to look after the property they are renting.
At the beginning of a new tenancy, the tenant pays the deposit to Northwood, who must make sure that it is protected.
Here at Northwood Lincoln, we use the Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS). This custodial scheme is free to use. We simply put the deposit into the scheme at the beginning of the tenancy.
Within 30 days of taking the deposit, we must provide the tenant with details of how the deposit is being protected, including:
Tenants have a responsibility to return the property in the same condition in which they took it on, allowing for fair wear and tear (see our other page). When the tenant moves in, a full inventory is undertaken of the property, including details of its condition, with photographic evidence. The tenant will receive a copy of the Northwood Glossary on Fair Wear and Tear. They will be advised of the circumstances in which the landlord or agent could have a claim on the deposit.
At the end of the tenancy, the condition and contents of the property will be checked against the initial inventory. We will agree with the tenant, within 10 days of the end of the tenancy, how much of the deposit should be returned. Once this is agreed, the deposit will be returned to the tenant in accordance with the guidelines set out by the DPS.
If no agreement can be reached about how much of the deposit should be returned, an independent adjudication service is used to help resolve disputes. The disputed part of the deposit will be held until the dispute is resolved.
In recent years, new regulations have been introduced to improve safety in rented residential accommodation. All landlords who own property which is let must be aware of the implications of the legislation. This information is designed to give a summary of regulations which currently exist and in particular those relating to electrical appliances and their impact on both private and commercial landlords.
The electrical safety regulations1 require that any electrical appliances supplied must be safe. Where their safe use requires, appropriate instruction booklets must also be provided.
Unlike the gas safety regulations, there is no statutory annual testing interval. Yet, in order to meet the requirements, it is still important that the appropriate checks and safeguards are carried out. The regulations require:
The penalty for non-compliance with the regulations is a substantial fine or even imprisonment in serious cases.
It is important that both the fixed electrical installation (i.e. the mains wiring) and any supplied appliances and other equipment are safe. Both are easily tested by a qualified engineer.
You can also carry out your own simple checks. There are some important points you should watch for.
Under building regulations introduced in January 2005, householders who are planning to carry out electrical work in high-risk areas such as kitchens, bathrooms or outdoors, or who intend to add new circuits anywhere in the house, now have to notify the local authority building control department or employ an electrical engineer who is registered with a Part P Self-certification Scheme.
Only small electrical jobs, such as replacing a socket or a light switch, do not need to be notified.
The regulations cover all mains voltage electrical goods designed with a working voltage of between 50 and 1,000 volts a.c. including
For all rented property, there is a statutory right that the landlord maintains the structure and main services serving the property in good repair4 and that it shall be fit for human habitation. There are also general product safety regulations5 that require the property and items in the property to be safe, plus specific provisions relating to any gas appliances or furniture supplied.
The product safety regulations state that any item supplied to a consumer during a commercial activity must be safe and this is deemed to include the supply of rented property.
The following checks and precautions should be observed:
Where a house is occupied as bedsits or by ‘persons who form more than one household’ further safety provisions may apply and you should seek further advice.
Before offering a property for let, it is important to check that all installations (especially electrical and gas) are safe.
Whilst a property is let, an ongoing programme of planned inspection and testing should be implemented on all electrical and gas appliances. Record details of all checks and maintenance.
The regulations make several requirements regarding gas appliances in properties generally, and some extra demands with respect to rented properties.
Gas appliances need to be regularly maintained so they run safely and reliably and must only be worked on by a qualified (currently Gas Safe Register) gas engineer.
Heating appliances such as fires, water heaters and boilers, generally need to be serviced once a year. Other appliances may need less frequent servicing and the manufacturer’s instructions should be consulted for the correct service interval.
Since October 1994, all gas appliances in rented properties have, by law, been subject to an annual safety check.
Relevant appliances include gas central heating boilers, water heaters, gas cookers and gas fires. Since April 1996, this requirement has been extended to include flues serving any relevant gas appliance. The check must be carried out by a suitably qualified technician and, landlords and agents are required to furnish their tenants with a record that the test has been carried out.
The penalty for non-compliance with the regulations is a substantial fine or even imprisonment in serious cases.
Vents and air bricks are often provided in order that gas appliances can draw in an adequate supply of air. Care must be taken not to block or obstruct such ventilation since this can prevent appliances from working correctly.
The products of combustion also need to be safely vented and they usually escape through a chimney or flue. Some early types of flues (e.g. open flues) may need to be modified to bring them up to current standards.
If the flue or chimney is blocked, waste gases may build up in the room. This can be fatal. Flues must be checked before an appliance is fitted and annually thereafter as part of the gas safety check. Inspection hatches are required to be fitted for any concealed flue after 2012.
The statutory check will include:
There are some important points to watch for which may show an appliance is not working properly:
This guide to lettings, what records you need to keep and how to make a simple annual return of your net letting income to the Inland Revenue. It does not, however, attempt to cover the wider aspects of personal taxation. If you are unsure about any aspect of your tax liability, then you are advised to seek further advice from your accountant or financial advisor.
Not necessarily – it all depends on your personal financial circumstances. For example, if the let property is mortgaged, and the mortgage and related costs of upkeeping the property exceed the rent you receive, then it is possible that no tax will be payable.
Income tax is payable on rent received from a property which is let. Your tax position will determine whether you pay tax or not. All profit you make from letting should be added to your other taxable income for the year, although the financial records for letting must still be kept separate.
You must pay income tax if the total of your taxable income is greater than your tax allowance.
Rent a room scheme – If you let rooms within your own home, you may qualify for a tax exemption. Contact your tax office for more details
If the property is only partly used for rental business you may be entitled to extra-statutory concessions. Your tax office will be able to give you details.
Only those expenses incurred ‘wholly and exclusively’ for the purpose of the let can be offset against your letting income. These might include mortgage interest (at present the Government is planning to make changes to mortgage relief, again you should independent tax advice), general repairs and maintenance, insurance and of course your property management fees.
You need to keep a record of all income and expenditure incurred in relation to all lettings. The records should show to whom payments have been made and from whom income has been received.
This information is a brief tax guide to describe how rents and tax are handled in the situation where the landlord is resident overseas. It does not, however, attempt to cover the wider aspects of personal taxation. If you are unsure which forms you need or how to fill them in, then you are advised to seek further advice.
All owners of property in the UK are required to pay tax on their letting income unless the income after allowable expenses is less than the individual’s personal allowances. However, special rules apply to the UK rental income of non-resident landlords or landlords who live abroad (usually for more than a six month period).
The NRL scheme operates for rental income paid on or after 6 April 1996 and replaces the old rules under Taxes Management Act 1970. If you want information about the earlier scheme, ask your tax office.
If you let your property through an agent, then the agent must operate the scheme and deduct tax from your rental income, unless they receive written notification to the contrary. In simple terms, the agent will either:
If your tenant pays the rent directly into your bank account they must also operate the NRL scheme and deduct tax, unless the rent is less than £100 per week or they receive written notification from the Inland Revenue’s Centre for Non-residents (see below) to the contrary.
The NRL scheme is operated by the Inland Revenue’s Centre for Non-residents (CNR). Non-resident landlords can apply to the CNR for approval to receive their rental income gross or with no tax deducted (‘approval’). If the application is successful, the CNR will issue a notice and the agent will not be required to deduct tax. Landlords with poor tax histories may be refused approval and, in these cases, agents will be obliged to continue to withhold tax at the current basic rate on the net rental income. It is important to inform the Revenue if your tax situation changes (e.g. if you return to live in the UK) or if your letting agent changes.
Approval will allow you to receive all rental income due without deductions to cover tax liabilities. The forms are available from CNR by phone or directly from their web site at
You can apply for approval if:
Many people are entitled to set personal allowances against their income. If your UK income after allowable expenses is less than your personal allowances, then you will not be liable for the tax.
Landlords and agents will be notified simultaneously of decisions to grant or withdraw approval. Approvals can be cancelled by the Inland Revenue if returns are filed late or tax is not paid on time.
Where a non-resident landlord qualifies for approval to receive rental income gross, the landlord should apply for approval as soon as possible. Only tax deductions made in a particular quarter can be refunded by the agent.
Your agent will be required to withhold and pay the tax due on your behalf if you are non-resident and if approval to receive gross rental income has not been received within 30 days of each quarter. Quarters end on:
30th June, 30th September, 31st December, 31st March.
Tax will be deducted at the basic rate as a percentage of the quarterly rental income taking into account only cash received and cash paid by the agent. Your agent will issue you with Certificates of tax paid which you should include with your tax return.
At the end of the tax year, you should still declare your letting income on your tax return in the normal way and you can reclaim payment of any overpaid tax.
The scheme applies to the UK rental income of persons whose usual place of abode is outside the UK (non-resident landlords). Landlords may be individuals, companies or trustees.
For tax purposes, individuals will not be regarded as having a usual place of abode outside the UK, if they are temporarily living outside the UK for, say, six months or less.
Where property is let jointly by two or more landlords and one or more of them has a usual place of abode outside the UK, the scheme applies separately to the rental income of each non-resident.
The Non-Resident Landlords scheme applies to members of HM Armed Forces and other Crown Servants who have a usual place of abode outside the UK even though their employment duties, while performed overseas, are treated as performed in the UK for the purpose of charging their salaries to tax. These individuals were excluded from the old scheme under TMA 1970 for the taxation of rental income of non-resident landlords.