
How it works

The beauty of Guaranteed Rent is how simple it is. Our aim is to make your life easier whilst giving you the certainty when times can be so uncertain. Letting out your property can be quite demanding when you are on your own and that is where we come in. One of the main reasons landlords come to Northwood is for the total peace of mind that is provided by our Guaranteed Rent service. We take on all the risk of the tenancy, letting you sit back and relax, knowing you will be getting your rent no matter what.  

The Basics

We technically become your tenant. Many Landlords prefer professional tenants and that is what Northwood is! You will only ever deal with us, and the contract is between you and us!  

No matter how long it takes us to find the right tenant, your rent will be paid from when the contract is signed giving you a set start date. Your rent will be continually paid on this date going forward so you know exactly what to expect. 

You might wonder how we are able to deliver a service like this and make it financially viable. We make our money a little differently. We charge no set-up fees or commission, but we will pay you slightly less than the market rental value we hope to get from your property. So, you get slightly less than market rent for the security that having your monthly income guaranteed brings. Our experience has shown us that despite this, our landlords usually receive a higher annual income than landlords using a traditional service or going it alone because voids, rent arrears, court proceedings and the other inevitable but unexpected interruptions to your rental income are our problem and not yours. 

Landlords are checking online restrictive arrangements that enable quicker property repossessions.
How It Could Work For You

Find out how our Guaranteed Rent could work for you.

Tenants and letting agent discussing potential home for rent.
The Benefits

Find out the benefits of our Guaranteed Rent service.

Guaranteed Rent FAQ's

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