Property Market News in Bristol

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How to update your home on a budget

When you want to update your home, you might assume its going to cost you a lot of money. However, there are a number of ways you can give your home a makeover that wont cost you the earth. As estate agents in Bristol, we see some fabulous homes every day, so if youre on a tight budget, simply follow our tips.

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How to get organised for moving day

Heres a little known fact: Many people in the UK regard a house move as one of the most stressful life experiences that theyll ever endure.Yes, while owning a new home is exciting, the process of moving itself isn't something that most people look forward to. And as most people will move multiple times throughout their life, the Northwood Bristol Ltd team are here to arm you with the most useful tips youll need to organise yourself ahead of your next moving day.

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Show Your Bristol Home Some Love This Valentine's Day

Heres how you can show your home some love this Valentine's!

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A money bag with the word Utilities

How to Deal with Your Energy Supplier When Moving House in Bristol

The process of moving home in Bristol can become highly stressful. With a seemingly endless to-do list, mounting cardboard boxes and looming deadlines, getting in touch with energy suppliers is often pushed to the bottom of the pile.

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Bouquet of flowers in a decorative pot and a cup of coffee on the table empty cafe.

5 Expert Tips: How to Elevate Your Bristol Property for a Successful Sale

In this latest blog post from the Northwood Bristol Ltd team, we've got some expert tips and insights to help you prepare your Bristol property for the market.

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pest specialists spraying a rental house

Are Tenants Responsible For Dealing With Pest Infestations?

As a tenant renting in Bristol, you may be wondering"what do I do if I discover a pest infestation in my rented property?"Is it your responsibility to handle the problem?Or is your landlord expected to deal with it?The team at Northwood Bristol Ltd have some helpful advice to point you in the right direction.

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Garden in a big city.

Are Cities Seeing A Resurgence Of Tenants?

Now We've Returned To A 'New Normal', How Do Things Stand On The Rental Property Front?

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Cropped image of financier working at table in office.

Everything UK Landlords Need to Know in 2024

The UK property management landscape has always evolved rapidly, but the last couple of years have seen change accelerate significantly, and 2024 is set to be no exception. Much like in any other business, it's imperative for you as a landlord in Bristol to stay updated on the latest trends, regulations, and market shifts to thrive in 2024.

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Woman with smartphone in her hands.

Smartphone Apps For Homeowners

There are over two million apps available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, so of course, there are apps out there for every purpose. There are all kinds of apps, such as scheduling apps to help you manage your time, coupon apps to help you find deals, and language apps to help you learn a new language. What you may not have thought of before are all the apps that exist for homeowners, including those that can help stay on top of chores, apps for DIY projects or interior design inspiration, and apps to help you sell your old belongings for cash.

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Staged living room in a home for sale in Bristol.

3 Ways to Give Your Living Room the WOW Factor

Selling your home in Bristol is a big task in itself as there's so much to prepare. If you're trying to tackle everything yourself, it can be daunting trying to attract potential buyers, but one of the best ways to do that is to have the right decor that gives off that 'wow' factor.

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Welcome mat outside the front door

What To Do Before A Viewing On Your House

Take the right viewpoint when setting your Bristolhome up for a sale

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Neon Slogan of call to action GO.

New Year...New Agent? Find the Best Estate Agent in Bristol

We've noticed a trend recently. You love your home, you love the Bristol area, but you've also realised that you need somewhere new. Perhaps somewhere larger, somewhere with a bigger garden, somewhere closer to the countryside, or even somewhere a little smaller.Yes, it appears you've got a dose of'ready to move', and what better time than a brand new year - a time often linked with new beginnings and fresh starts.But how do you find the best estate agent in Bristol?

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