
Maintaining Mental Health Whilst Staying At Home

Following the latest government announcement, the majority of the nation will do its part and stay at home to help flatten the curve and protect the NHS. This will help to slow down the spread of the Coronavirus but it will also dramatically reduce our social interactions and as social animals, this will not be an easy time and could have a negative impact on people’s mental health, especially for those with existing mental health issues. What should you do if you feel your mental health is deteriorating or if you know someone who is being adversely affected? In this article we have collated advice from the health professionals to share with you tips for maintaining your mental health whilst we stay at home.

Limit your news intake

The current situation is getting a lot of attention and almost every time you turn on the TV or open a social media channel, there are reports about the virus and these can, understandably, cause an increase in anxiety or stress. Try to limit your exposure to these constant reports and only seek updates from authorised government sites or health professionals.

Stay Connected

With the mandate to stay at home it can be easy to feel isolated and alone. It is important to try and stay connected using whatever methods work. If you think someone is struggling, then make a big effort to contact them daily and simply talk to them. You can use free video call software like Facetime or Skype or simply call them on the phone. If you yourself are struggling, then don’t feel embarrassed to call a friend and talk to them about how you are feeling. In these unprecedented times talking and listening will make a huge difference. If you don’t have anyone you can talk to then there is support available from the Samaritans who are there for you 24/7.


You might feel that you can’t go out to the shops and buy the essentials you need and this could add to feelings of anxiety and stress. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your network and ask for help. They would surely have helped at any time and in these unprecedented times they will be more than happy to help you with shopping whilst respecting the need for distance.

Vary your Activities

There is a temptation, when you are feeling low or lonely to simply sit on the sofa in front of the TV. Anxiety.org have some great guidance on how to minimise anxiety, some of the excellent suggestions are to do arts and crafts, cook, read a book, do some gardening or even start a new hobby to break the day up and keep your mind active.

Try to maintain a routine

Being stuck at home can lull us into that relaxed weekend frame of mind and it is easy to drop into that slow, wake up late, eating at irregular times and going to bed late routine. Try to keep to your normal routine as best as you can. Get up at your normal time, get dressed as you normally would, eat sensibly and healthily and at sensible times and go to bed as you normally would. Maintaining your routine will help you to control your anxiety.

Fresh Air

Although we are being told to stay at home there is nothing to stop us going out into our gardens or opening the windows to let in some fresh air. According to the mental health charity Mind keeping all the doors and windows closed will cause the air to become stale and will also potentially make you feel trapped. Simply getting out into the garden will alleviate this significantly.


Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy body and a healthy mind. The NHS have some 10 minute workouts available for you on their website which do not require equipment and can be done at home. The NHS also have a great 45 minute Pilates video for beginners Pilates is small, gentle movements and stretches suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.


It might seem impossible to relax given everything that is going on, but according to MentalHealth.org taking time to focus purely on the present moment and not what is happening around you can help alleviate negative feelings. The NHS has a good guide on relaxation techniques for you to use.

Staying at home, whilst the right thing to do, can have a big impact on your mental health but by taking some simple steps you can go a long way to protect yourself and maintain a good state of mind. Remember that no matter how things look you are not alone and we will come through this, together.