There’s nothing better than curling up on the couch in a warm room and watching your favourite movie. If you want to create a sense of cosiness at home, there’s certainly plenty you can do from investing in a set of Slankets for the family, a little low lighting with a few strategically placed candles or a nice, warm open fire. Here are some of our best tips for creating a cosy home:

Always Have Your Slippers To Hand
Slippers may have gone out of fashion in recent years but they’re perfect if you want that cosy feel as you shuffle from room to room. With many homes having hard floors nowadays, they’re the first thing you should consider doing to create a cosy feeling. Matalan have a large range of slippers and mules to choose from.
Slanket or Onesie
If you’re spending a day at home hiding from the cold weather, why not choose between either a Slanket (a blanket with sleeves) or a onesie? Not only will these keep you nice and warm while you watch the TV, they could save on heating bills.
Candles Create a Cosy Atmosphere
If it’s all about creating an atmosphere of relaxation, there is something about candles that make you relax and want to snuggle down. Add in some aromatherapy, switch off the main lights, sit back and let your mind drift away. Great if you’re on your own or want to snuggle up with your significant other and forget the stresses of the day.
A Roaring Fire
There’s nothing quite like sitting in front of a roaring hearth on a cold Winter’s day. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have real fires anymore. A word burning stove is the next best thing, of course, and these are becoming increasingly popular with home owners. If you can’t manage that, an electric fire with faux flames is a very good substitute. Check out the range of electric fires available from B&Q.
Warm Up Your Windows
When creating a cosy home, it is important to keep the heat in. To add real warmth invest in thick, lined or thermal curtains. They will not only block the light from outside but keep the heat in. Quality is the key here if you want to create the right atmosphere. Next have a stunning range of thermal curtains.
Make It Personal
Another thing that makes for a cosy environment, apart from physical comfort, is familiarity. Surround yourself with displays of photos of your family and friends, your favourite books and images that mean something to you. We rarely feel like we’re at home in a sterile environment, so make this your space.
Relax and Eat
Read a good book or settle down with your favourite film, if you want to forget that the temperature outside is heading down below zero. If you have a box set to binge on, get in your Slanket, pour yourself a warming hot chocolate and allow yourself to be transported. If movies aren’t your thing, put on some relaxing music and sit in front of the fire as you contemplate all that’s good about the world. The other thing you’ll need for that cosy feeling, of course, is going to be good food. Try these warming winter soups from the BBC if you want something simple and nourishing to heat up and consume in front of the fire.